- Fenton Art Glass
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- Collector's Showcase Exclusives
Collector's Showcase Exclusives

DS727HP Fenton Valentine’s Day Bear Set

DS727HP1 Fenton Valentine’s Day Bear

DS727HP2 Fenton Valentine’s Day Baby Bear

DS733HP Fenton Easter Bear Set

DS733HP1 Fenton Easter Bear

DS733HP2 Fenton Easter Baby Bear

DS762HP Fenton Mother’s Day Bear Set

DS762HP1 Fenton Mother’s Day Bear

DS762HP2 Fenton Mother’s Day Baby Bear

DS869HP Fenton Memorial Day Bear Set

DS869HP1 Fenton Memorial Day Bear

DS869HP2 Fenton Memorial Day Baby Bear

DS759HP Fenton Father's Day Golfing Bear Set

DS759HP1 Fenton Father's Day Golfing Bear

DS759HP2 Fenton Father's Day Golfing Baby Bear

DS794HP Fenton 4th of July Bear Set

DS794HP1 Fenton 4th of July Patriotic Bear

DS794HP2 Fenton 4th of July Patriotic Baby Bear

DS845HP Large bear measures apFenton Labor Day Bear Set

DS845HP1 Fenton Labor Day Bear

DS845HP2 Fenton Labor Day Baby Bear

DS750HP Fenton Halloween Bear Set

DS750HP1 Fenton Halloween Bear

DS750HP2 Fenton Halloween Baby Bear

DS718HP Fenton Thanksgiving Bear Set

DS718HP1 Fenton Thanksgiving Bear

DS718HP2 Fenton Thanksgiving Baby Bear

DS721HP Fenton Christmas Bear Set with Holly

DS721HP1 Fenton Christmas Bear with Holly

DS721HP2 Fenton Christmas Baby Bear with Holly

DS816HP Fenton Wedding Party Bears

DS816HP1 Fenton Groom Bear